报告人:Hui Wang, AssociateProfessor, University ofSouth Carolina
报告题目:Interfacial LigandDynamics, Chemistry, and Photochemistry on Plasmonic Nanoparticle Surfaces:More Complicated Than We Thought?
王辉教授于2001年6月毕业于南京大学化学系,获理学学士学位。2003年6月获南京大学理学硕士学位,分析化学专业,硕士导师为朱俊杰教授。2003年8月赴美国留学,在赖斯大学(RiceUniversity)师从于美国科学院和工程院双院院士NaomiJ. Halas 教授从事纳米光学材料研究,于2007年8月获物理化学专业博士学位(Ph.D.)。2007年8月至2010年7月,在德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校(Universityof Texas at Austin)化学和生物化学系师从于美国科学院院士PaulF. Barbara 教授从事单分子光谱的博士后研究。2010年8月获得独立教职,被聘为南卡罗来纳大学(Universityof South Carolina)化学和生物化学系助理教授,于2016年8月晋升为副教授,获终身教职。任教职期间讲授本科物理生物化学课程(PhysicalBiochemistry)和研究生分子光谱学课程(MolecularSpectroscopies)。王辉教授长期从事纳米光学,纳米催化学,和分子光谱学的研究,用现代物理化学手段主要是光谱学和电化学的方法研究纳米和分子科学领域里的复杂问题。王辉教授在JACS,Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Accounts of Chemical Research, PNAS, AdvancedMaterials, Angewandte Chemie, Chemistryof Materials, ACS Catalysis, 和Journalof Physical Chemistry Letters 等高影响力杂志上发表论文超过60 篇,被引用超过7500 次 (Google Scholar),h 因子为40,其中有20 篇文章单篇引用超过100 次。王辉教授主持的科研项目获得美国国家科学基金会(NationalScience Foundation),美国能源部(Departmentof Energy)和美国健康学会(NationalInstitutes of Health)的资助。
This presentation focuseson interesting catalytic and photocatalytic molecular transformations at theinterfaces between surface-capping ligands and plasmonic nanoparticles. We usesurface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) as a plasmon-enhanced spectroscopictool with unique time-resolving and molecular fingerprinting capabilities toquantitatively correlate the interfacial ligand dynamics with detailedmolecular structures in real time under a diverse set of ligand adsorption,desorption, and exchange conditions at both equilibrium and non-equilibriumstates, which enables us to delineate the effects of nanoscale surfacecurvature on the binding affinity, cooperativity, structural ordering, and theadsorption/desorption/exchange kinetics of monolayer organothioland multilayer aryl ligands on colloidal Au nanoparticles.
I will also share some new insights on the facet-dependent catalyticproperties of free-standing Au nanoparticles. We have recently demonstratedthat desired plasmonic and catalytic properties can be integrated on the sameparticle by controllably creating high-index facets on individualsub-wavelength metallic nanoparticles. The capabilities to both nanoengineerhigh-index facets and fine-tune the plasmon resonances through deliberateparticle geometry control open up unique opportunities for us tostudy, in great detail, the facet-dependent interfacial moleculartransformations on Au nanocatalysts using SERS as a time-resolved spectroscopictool.
Finally, I will further talk about our latestprogress on developing quantitative mechanistic understanding of plasmonic hotelectron-driven photocatalytic reactions. We use SERS as a unique approach toprecisely monitor, in real time and one-particle-at-a-time, the plasmon-drivenphotocatalytic reactions at the molecule-nanoparticle interfaces. The insightsgained from this work shed light on the mechanistic complexity ofplasmon-driven photocatalysis and provide key design principles for the nextgeneration plasmonic photocatalysts.